Reading Time: 3 minutes
I have been staring for months now at my blank page unable to put together a stream of coherent thoughts to save my life.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
When it all started, I mean the Covid saga, I did not really pay attention to it. Like everybody else I was following the
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Patriot: a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
In June I wrote the post: United States of America: The fall of an Empire? (I recommend it for those who have not read
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Ordinary. I have never realised how this simple word was feared and I would even dare to say hated by most people. To be called
Reading Time: 5 minutes
As far as I could remember, I have liked celebrating Christmas. The togetherness, this air of “je ne sais quoi” in the atmosphere, in
Reading Time: 4 minutes
So what is Success? and how do you define it? According to the Oxford dictionary, Success is the fact that you have achieved something you
Reading Time: 6 minutes
There is in the wider society, this misconception about the real meaning of ordinary life. For many people, living an ordinary life is the
Reading Time: 7 minutes
At first this post was going to be about the world coming out of the lockdown imposed upon us by our government during the
America is an empire. And sooner or later every empire falls.                      Maryanna Louis I